Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Real men read True
They also shoot wild turkey, have baby boys and sport the latest in casual wear.
Sugar B = $73,000 Each team.
Orange B = 30,000a"ach tea"
Cotton B = 35,000ac"achtea "
Only Post Season Game pay off
is East-west tilt - gives
Crippled kids Hosp. $1,325,000
Each senior a sweater, trinket &
$150 spending money.
20 million spent each New
Years & Promoters are
Cleaning up on College Sport.
As Many of you are interested
In hunting - will mention
article on Turkey - “How Tough
is Wild Turkey?” An article
which will rouse the corpusles
in all “hunting” men.
“Toughest thing on 2 legs”
In Carolinas, say "If man can
have baby boy & get wild turkey
he’s a real “Man”.
3 great game creatures in N.A
Alaskan Brn. Bear - Mt. Sheep - wild
Turkey - Turkey has sheeps
acute hearing - Bear keen nose
plus Eagle eyes - speed of Antelope
Cunning of Panther. That
leaves only Moose & I’ve seen
some trophy Gobblers with
beards a long as a moose &
twice as ornery.
Now! You “hunting” men
buy TRUE & read a good story
each Month.
All Men want to know whats
new in casual wear & in
Men’s Wearing Apparel.
True - tells you! Each Month
Another “Must” in a man’s
litirary world is a good
Adventure Story - True always
has 4 or 5 stories that are
Those who are interested
in Science are never
dissapointed when buying a
A good Mystery is always there
for those who like to guess
“Who Dun-it”
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